ahorn.Actors package


ahorn.Actors.MCTSPlayer module

The Monte Carlo Tree Search player is a generic player, and can be used in games of incomplete information and with chance events.

It is based on the Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithm.

class ahorn.Actors.MCTSPlayer.MCTSPlayer(exploration_exploitation=1.4, simulation_count=10000, simulation_time=90, verbose=False, verboseverbose=False)

Bases: ahorn.GameBase.Actor.Actor

A player who uses the Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithm.

exploration_exploitation: float
the exploration/exploitation parameter
simulation_count: int
maximum number of simulations
simulation_time: float
maximum seconds of simulation time
verbose: bool
print some information
verboseverbose: bool
print even more information
backpropagation_phase(expanded_node, utility)

The backpropagation phase of the MCTS algorithm.

This phase will update the constructed MCTS tree based on the utility vector from the simulation

expanded_node: TreeNode
The node from where to start backpropagation
utility: List<float>
The utility vector from the simulation phase
expansion_phase(selected_node, selected_state, action)

The expansion phase of the MCTS algorithm.

This expansion will add a node to the constructed MCTS tree,

selected_node: TreeNode
The node which needs to be expanded
selected_state: State
The State corresponding to the selected_node
action: Action
The action by which the selected node needs to be expanded
expanded_node: TreeNode
The new node added to the constructed MCTS tree
expanded_state: State
The State corresponding to expanded_node

Return the best action according to MCTS algorithm

state: State
The state in which the actor must perform an action
action: Action
Best action according to MCTS algorithm
selection_phase(root_node, root_state)

The selection phase of the MCTS algorithm.

This phase will analyse the constructed MCTS tree, use UCT to traverse down the tree, until a root node is reached.

root_node: TreeNode
The root tree node from where to start selection phase
root_state: State
The State corresponding to the root_node
selected_node: TreeNode
The node in the MCTS tree that needs to be expanded
selected_state: State
The State corresponding to selected_node
action: Action
The action by which the selected node should be expanded with

The simulation phase of the MCTS algorithm.

This phase will simulate a random playout from a given state

expanded_state: State
The state from where to start the random playout
utility: List
The utility vector of the final state
class ahorn.Actors.MCTSPlayer.TreeNode(utility=None, simulations=0, parent=None, children=None)

Bases: object

A tree node to build internal game tree for MCTS algorithm

utility: List
A utility vector with the utility for each player, for example [-1, 1] in a game with 2 players.
simulations: int
An number signifying how many times this node has been visited during the MCTS algorithm
parent: TreeNode
The parent of this node
children: dict<Action -> TreeNode>
A dictionary with actions as the keys, and treenodes as the values

True if this node is a leaf of the tree.

is_leaf: Bool
True if node is a leaf, False if node is not a leaf

ahorn.Actors.RandomActor module

class ahorn.Actors.RandomActor.RandomActor

Bases: ahorn.GameBase.Actor.Actor

An actor who always choses random actions.


Return a random action from the legal actions

The state in which the actor must perform an action
A random action from the legal actions

ahorn.Actors.RandomPlayer module

class ahorn.Actors.RandomPlayer.RandomPlayer

Bases: ahorn.Actors.RandomActor.RandomActor, ahorn.GameBase.Player.Player

A player who takes a random action from the list of legal actions.

Module contents